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At home with stacey

Stacey Keillah is a long time friend of the brand, we love her down to earth approach and effortless style.    We caught up Stacey in her Byron home about her beautiful new baby Jaiya and adjusting to motherhood in isolation. 



Tell us how you felt in the lead up to Jaiyas arrival and how you prepared yourself?

In the lead up to Jaiyas arrival I was feeling great - I felt as prepared as I'll ever be and I knew I was heading into the birth suite with both my husband Ash and my mum who are both the best support people I could ask for. It was such a crazy time in the world but I chose to just keep it as positive as possible and get excited to meet our little man!



Can you put words around those first few days, how you felt as you got to know this precious new human? 

Words can't even describe the feeling. He's everything I could have ever hoped for and more. The love I feel for him is just indescribable and I'm in awe of him every single day.


Adjusting to new mum life in this socially isolated time, must have its challenges.  Normally we surround ourselves with family and friends.  How have you coped with that?

  It's been very challenging. The borders closed 3 days after I gave birth so my mum had to flee back to South Australia where she lives with the rest of my family. They all were due to come up the week after Jaiya was born but obviously all flights got cancelled so it was just Ash and I handed this newborn and told us to do our best - eeeek!! We have been in contact with friends and family via FaceTime every day to make sure we stay connected during this crazy time. 


What does a normal day in your house look like?  

We've adapted to that slow living brilliantly. We mostly spend our days just staring at Jaiya in awe or baking something new each day. I've ingested one too many choc chip cookies the past few weeks but who's going to stop me!?


How did you find the shift to the role of 'mum'? 

 To be honest it was very challenging in the first few weeks. Having this little being relying on you for absolutely everything while trying to manage severe sleep deprivation takes its toll. I found myself being a milk machine and having to drop whatever I was doing to feed all the time. Mundane small tasks became huge ones and I started to struggle with parting with my old life. A few weeks on and that's totally changed - It gets so much easier and I've started to understand our little babe more and what cries mean what etc. I'm feeling so much more like my old self and working out my new routines and loving it.



What are your 5 essentials for when you finally get to leave the house with a newborn?

Nappies (You can never have too many!!)

Wipes (You also need a tonne of these)

Blanket since their little skin is super sensitive and used to being tucked up cosy inside Mum.

Several changes of clothes because you never know what's going to happen and how quick the weather can change.

Changing pad to make life easier for the on the go nappy changes.


Stacey's bag is the Deep End leather baby bag / duffle.



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